Friday, November 20, 2009

Blessed By The Best!

Over the years, many have tried to compliment me or encourage me without realizing what they were saying. One of the most common was when I was an associate pastor, they would say "God sees your faithfulness here and is going to reward you with a big ministry some day." I understand people mean well when they say that, but I want to address the mindset of that kind of thinking. First it devalues the current ministry anyone is doing to say that it is just a stepping stone to something better. We need to value where the Lord currently has us and not always be gazing ahead for greener pastures. Second and more importantly, it assumes something that is totally contrary to the Word of God. It assumes that ministry is your reward.

Nehemiah was called by God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem and he ended up being placed as governor of the region of Judah. Obviously, God had rewarded him for his years of faithfulness and given him a position of authority by which he could reap the fruits of his labor. Right? Wrong!

"Moreover, from the time that I was appointed to be their governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year until the thirty-second year of King Artaxerxes, twelve years, neither I nor my brothers ate the governor’s provisions. But the former governors who were before me laid burdens on the people, and took from them bread and wine, besides forty shekels of silver. Yes, even their servants bore rule over the people, but I did not do so, because of the fear of God." Nehemiah 5:14-15

For TWELVE YEARS Nehemiah chose not to partake of the governor’s provisions as others had. Others used their position to lord it over the people. Nehemiah saw his position not as his reward, but his responsibility. He chose not to get focused on what he could get from the people, but on fulfilling their mutual purpose because He feared God.

When the disciples were jockeying for position in Christ’s Kingdom, He told them: "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

Jesus was our example of how we are to lead. He had ALL authority given to Him, yet He came as a servant and gave His life for us. Nehemiah recognized his promotion was not his reward, but his obligation. Position should only serve to help you serve people. It is a tool in your hand, not a medal around your neck. God does not promote us in ministry to bless us, but so that we can be a blessing. In these days when people are judged by their "success" it is easy to get distracted and seek after the rewards of ministry. Don’t aspire to grow a ministry. Aspire to serve people, to lay your life down for them so that they may in turn lay their lives down for another. Jesus said the best leaders are servant leaders.

"What is my reward then? That when I preach the gospel, I may present the gospel of Christ without charge, that I may not abuse my authority in the gospel. For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more." I Corinthians 9:18-19

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tickle My Intellect, But Don't Prick My Heart

Acts 17:21 "For all the Athenians and foreigners who were there spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing."

These guys loved new things! Talking about them, hearing about them, just so long as it was fresh and revelatory. Now at first, it seemed like Paul was making some serious headway. They were all interested in what he had to say and why not, it was NEW! The problem was that the only thing open was their heads but not their hearts. Tickle my intellect, but don't prick my heart. More information, but please no transformation. They even wanted Paul to come back tomorrow and tell them more! Wow, an open door! Every evangelist wants to hear that, let’s make a series! I hope they are recording this, there is a real market for it.

There was only one little problem. Only a few accepted the message "However, some men joined them and believed", so few in fact that he even goes on to name most of them. Few were saved because few were interested in truth that changes, but instead in “knowledge that puffs up”.

Much of the American Church is right here. We have amassed so many teachings, books, CDs, series, sermons and hot new revelations right off the presses, but what we lack most is transformation. We must move past what makes our head happy and into what makes our hearts sad. Sad? But all the latest "Christian" books say how happy I can be. I speak of sorrow, yes the “sorrow that leads unto repentance”.

Information without transformation is decimation. If we go down this road, it’s just a matter of time until our heads explode. You have seen that happen every time a well known minister is caught up in scandal. It is always sad, they had the information, but never allowed the transformation. It all stayed in their head, never penetrated the heart.

People often quote Isaiah 55:11 “My word… shall not return unto Me void…” as if to say that just hearing it automatically means the hearer has changed (It makes us feel better about the lack of results). The first problem is that often times the “words” spoken were never God’s Word, just ear tickling speeches eloquently delivered to impress and wow the hearer. The second problem in the Word not returning void assumes it has returned. Clearly in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 the seed sown is the Word of God. Some people’s soil is too shallow or rocky. Others have too many cares (thorns) and in either case the Word does not establish roots and thrive. Not everyone that heard the Word responded, only those who were good soil. Matt. 13:23 says, “But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”

When we respond to God’s Word, it will return to Him with a great harvest. Is God’s Word bringing transformation in your life or are you just amassing information and gaining a false assurance of spiritual growth? Do you live what you know?

We are all a work in process, but the key is to be in process. I encourage and challenge you to pursue Jesus and His Word in a way that will change your life.
When we live what we know, the world will want to know Who we are living for. God and His future children are waiting for us to live what we know.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jesus Didn't Die on A Money Tree

I was recently asked in an email what I thought about the money situation in the church today. It might be a little strong for some, but understand I feel strongly that we need to get back to the true Gospel and many (not all) have been focusing on the wrong things. Below is my response with a couple edits:

"I believe money in the church has become like the bronze serpent in the wilderness. God brought it to provide a supernatural miracle, but they liked it so much they worshipped it more than God. It later had to be destroyed by King Hezekiah. What would happen if God had to take the church's money so it can remember who they are supposed to worship?

1. We need to remember what Jesus said, it is almost impossible for a rich man to enter the Kingdom. "But with God, all things are possible." We like to quote that one, ironically, usually to get money. Jesus used it right after He said it was impossible for rich people to make it to Heaven, which means that God's grace is so amazing that once in a while some rich guy might squeak in :-)

2. We must take the focus off of money and truly put it on people. We decided at Life Church that we are giving half of the tithes and offerings away (to missions, outreach, school uniforms, community, whatever, just outside of the church). The other half will be used for rent, salaries, expenses, etc. Jesus said to "love your neighbor as yourself", so that sounds like a good way.

3. Stop manipulating people to give. Preachers "show the promises" hoping to appeal to the audience's greed to meet their own greed. At Life Church we have a box by the door and once in a while mention that it is there. Christians raise big $$$ at the expense of turning people away who thought maybe Christians were not all about money and dared to step into a church.

4. What about the tithe? Do we have to? Should we? Are we cursed if we don't? 10%? I believe in tithing, we should tithe, like we should pray and read our Bibles. I also believe in singing in church, I enjoy it. What if I don't? I guess I would miss out on something. I don't believe that tithing must be mentioned every week above prayer, the Word or hmmmm, maybe Jesus! :-) We are free from the law so we can do better than the law. The law says I have to clothe my kids and give them an education. It does not say I have to hug them or say encouraging things. I go beyond the law for the sake of love. If we get hung up on the law issue regarding tithing or anything (on either side) then I believe we miss the point. It is not a legal issue, but a love issue. I pray because I love Jesus, I try to be a better person because I love Jesus, I try to be a good husband and father because I love Jesus and I give because I love Jesus. If I go by the law, I get to stop at 10%. If I go by love, then I am going to want to give more and more. The law of love supersedes the law of sin and death.

Money is okay when we don't worship it or store it up for ourselves. I really cannot reconcile lavish lifestyles by well known ministers while their donors eat dog food to keep them on the air. Then they say "You don't know the price I pay...". I think Paul referred to that price as "your reasonable service". The problem is many have forgotten the price He paid and look at the little bit they are doing and feel like it is so much because it helps to ease their conscience about all their stuff. What would they do if Jesus asked them to sell all they had and follow Him? Before you go to the part where He said they will receive all that and more in this present life, just look at how all the disciples finished. Most died in prison or were crucified and counted it an honor to die for Jesus. None drove Mercedes Camels. Most of the preachers on TV are not truly broken for the lost, because if they were, it would be worth it to give up that fancy car to see a few more people saved from eternal damnation.

I speak passionately because God has stirred and challenged me to change the way I think and live. If God has not changed us lately, it can only be because we have not truly been with Him because none of us are really that perfect.

Well, that's what I think about that :-) "

Pastor John

Friday, August 21, 2009

Don't Play The Sorry Game

John 18:36, "If My Kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews."
Jesus told Peter not to fight in the garden and we know from the rest of the story that it really through Peter off his game. In this verse, He said that his followers were not going to fight because His Kingdom was not of this world.

We "do not wrestle against flesh and blood", but every Christian sometimes feels like we have to defend Jesus. I have never liked the word apologetics because it sounds like we are apologizing for our beliefs. It comes from the defense standpoint.

Jesus does not need us to defend Him, but to proclaim Him! Let's not argue with people, instead love people and proclaim Jesus.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Looking For Loyalty - S.O.A.P.

S - II Chron. 16:9 "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole Earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him."

O - King Asa was a pretty good king. He went wrong (disloyal) when he went to Syria for help instead of God. He did not repent when confronted, even when he became sick, he only sought doctors and not God.

A - Disloyalty is trusting anyone more than you trust God. God is constantly searching for someone that will trust Him! (apparently there are not many who do). He is just waiting to show Himself strong for you and me!! Trust Him, not people or jobs or things... LET God show Himself strong on your behalf. He wants to!!!

P - Lord, help me to trust You and step out in faith. I am tired of playing it safe. I will step out in faith and watch You show Yourself strong! Amen.

The Ministry Machine

Often times, people are treated as though the reason for their existence is to serve the machine of ministry. People serve as it's fuel, not it's purpose. The machine must continually be fed so it can continue to perform. Families and even one's personal walk with the Lord are sacrificed so that the show continues on. The problem is that God never called anyone to build a ministry. God wants us to build people and to make disciples.

I am not speaking of an unhealthy self-focused Christianity, but the opposite. We are to have two main focuses. In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus responded to the question: “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” We must love God like crazy and love people like crazy.

Whenever I meet with someone who is beginning to serve in the church, I always tell them, "I care more about you than what you do for me." The person is always more valuable to God than any need they may meet and should be more valuable to us as well. When people exist to serve our need, whether it is cloaked in ministry or not, we are selfish and not expressing God's love.
Are ministries bad? No. Ministries can be great when their focus is not the machine of "ministry". When we exist to love God and people, we become self-LESS and a wonderful example of what Christianity is supposed to be.

II Cor. 5:15 “...and He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”
-Pastor John Eldredge